Feelings Wheel
For help with this exercise or other consultations, please contact me via text or phone (714-655-1547) to discuss your needs. Because I am just starting out as a doula, I am generally working pro-bono or donation-based.
Listen to Your Feelings
People experiencing grief can feel the entire spectrum of emotions. It is important to use the feelings as clues to help us process and move through the grief and avoid staying stuck.
This feelings wheel can help us to investigate where the feeling is coming from in order to shed light on the thoughts and beliefs that may need healing.
We want to be able to do the following with emotions in order to have emotional intelligence:
Guide to map emotions:
Sit quietly, taking slow deep breaths
Think or feel an emotion that’s present (use wheel above if needed to help identify)
Allow the emotion to fill you and breath through any resistance
Where is it felt in the body?
How does it feel?
Does it have a texture, a color, a shape?
What other emotions are linked to it (feelings map can help)?
What can you sense about these other emotions?
What are the beliefs linked to this emotion?
What are the stories about this emotion?
What might you want to do with this emotion?
How can you deal with this emotion or how else can you deal with this emotion?
What would you rather believe about this emotion (such as how can you look at it from a different perspective, what’s this emotion teaching you, how can you transform it, what is it an invitation to, how can you come into a different relationship,
This becomes the map.